Saturday 3 September 2011

Such a long time since I wrote anything.. and what has happened since!

I moved to Ireland (February 2008)
We now have two dogs, Lottie an English Springer Spaniel (May 2008) and
Renji (named after Abarai Renji, look it up) a Siberian Husky (February 2010)
We opened our own business (June 2009)
Paul proposed (December 2010)
We moved our business to bigger premises (June 2011)
We're getting married! (October 2011)

And since I'm crap at writing stuff I'm sure it'll be a while before I write again but there you have it, an update.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year!

My resolution: to work as hard as I possibly can to realise Paul and my goals.

There might be a lot happening this year, as Paul has had a mischievous glint in his eye for the past few weeks, speaking of a "plan" and hinting that it isn't long in coming. Which is good, as I am terminally curious and might very well implode if I don't get to find out soon!

Christmas presents were good this year, although few. This is alright though. Got a bright red cozy trousers and hoody, and new slippers. Got some wooden puzzles and a mug and a jewellery box. A couple of games for my DS and a ring. No, not that kind of ring, more's the pity!

New years eve was good too, the food heavenly (I ate far too much) then champagne naked on the bed while watching the fireworks on TV (it was raining :P)

Next year it my turn to be surprised for new years, although I plan not to have a tooth ache to go with it... or if I do, I'll remember my pain killers! :D

The Big Move is busily being prepared, with plans laid for how to get everything over to Ireland, and also what to do with things once we are there. It is exciting, and I can't wait. Lucikly there aren't that many things that have to be done, just that a few of them will take some time.
I will update you all more thoroughly the closer to M-Day we get!

Monday 17 December 2007


I'm going home on Wednesday! I can't wait. On the one hand I will be away from my second soul, but on the other I will be home for Christmas :)
Right now at work though I am so bored I don't know what to do with myself. Which is a shame, because I'd rather be busy than bored, however much I get paid for it!
Got nearly all my presents done as well, thankfully. Only one sister to go... but the more difficult one. Hmmm. Bears thinking about...

Tuesday 11 December 2007

So Christmas is coming...

And I couldn't be happier. Well... to be honest I could, as I am not spending it with my darling. But we can't always have what we want, and I will have the rest of my life to spend Christmas with him so I guess I can live without the one...

I have a headache. Specifically, I have a Christmaspresentheadache. I am normally quite good at finding presents, but for some reason this year I have a mental block against present-getting. It's quite annoying actually. Well I have some presents sorted.. My mum was very specific, I found something for my dad already, my sisters will be simple-ish and my darling has picked his own present.. although another one is planned of which he knows NOTHING. MWahahahaa I like secret presents.

So.. I still have to go and get the damn things. And I'm not presently feeling my best, which doesn't help. AND I'm going home to sweden in a week. So not much time, either. But I will cope /strikes dramatic pose and I will pull through...

The cat is not getting a present, he's too fat.

Sunday 18 November 2007

Time perception

It's amazing how long a week can seem sometimes. I remember when I was little, the week before christmas was the longest week of the year... not to mention the last week before school finished.
Right now the love of my life is a long way away from me and I won't see him for a few more days yet. It's tearing me up inside. Isn't that silly? I mean, I know he's there, I know he's coming here, I know I know I know but still I want to hide under the bed and die quietly, or else break something really noisy, just to show the world my displeasure. I am restless like a caged animal, or else the apathy is threatening to take over. I wonder if this is what it's like to be depressed?
My comfort is Skype, as hearing his voice soothes the pain marginally, and of course Cat, the perennial demon fluff ball of my life. He's really good at cuddles, too.

Oh well... I just wanted it off my chest. Roll on Wednesday!

Wednesday 7 November 2007

I was brave, and I am favoured

There still are things to be detangled, but from now on I have someone beside me to make things so much easier. A surprise visit from my very own Zigworth resulted in the even more surprising realisation that lightning can strike twice. I am blessed and overjoyed that I have managed to find someone that truly gets me, understands me better than should be possible after such a short time and shares the same weird sense of humour. This time I truly intend it to last forever, and with a little luck, it will.

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Fortune favours the brave

I am in the extremely enviable position of having not one but four people very dear to me who understands exactly how I'm feeling and help me understand myself and my actions. Two are quite recent additions, one I have known for ages and one is sort of in the middle...

I am sharing a peculiar life situation with my very own Biscuit. This can be shared and talked about, which helps enormously.
Next comes Teddy, my own dearest little brother, who cares for me and is willing to beat anyone impertinent enough to treat me badly to a pulp. I am generally against violence as a rule, but it's nice to know there's a knight in shining armour always willing to step in.
Oliver is always there and always will be, I hope. Despite her own problems she is there for me, always. I owe her so so much, but it's a nice debt which I hope I'll be able to repay over and over.
The last one... knows who he is, without me telling. He's one of the most understanding people I've met, and he is teaching me about myself without seeming to. Gentle, caring and withdrawn, he lets me take things at my own pace and has been there for me already more times than I can count. I hope I will see him again soon, although for various reasons it won't be for probably a month or two yet. Thank God for the internet...

An Swedish nursery rhyme comes to mind:
I love Peter who loves Eve, who loves Henry who loves me.
Love is being handed around, but never bi-directionally. It is a situation I am intending to resolve at some point soon. Unravelling this ball of tangled yarn without too many casualties will be a challenge...